
As a result of our new internationalization initiative we are offering a new Degree in Dentistry. The academic content is taught fully in English for the five years. In line with our policy, the maximum students for this international group is going to be 30 for the first year. We will be providing special counselling and support for international students and they are going to be taught in small groups so that they can receive quality advice and assistance.

This full-time 5-year Degree gives the student the opportunity to develop skills through training based and on a problem-solving approach and exposing students to new dental technology and research. Degree students carry out over 1.000 hours of early practice at our university clinics.


Subjects in course 1
Embryology and General Anatomy I
Epidemiology and Statistics
General Anatomy II and Oral Anatomy
Human and Oral Physiology
Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Optional subjects

Subjects in course 2
Dental Equipment, Materials and Instrumentation
General and Dental Pharmacology
General medical and surgical pathology
Medical and surgical specialties
Modern Language: English
Oral Radiology
Anatomical pathology

Subjects in course 3
Oral Medicine
Orthodontics I
Pathology and Dental Therapeutics I
Pathology and Dental Therapeutics II
Periodontics I
Preventive and Community Dentistry
Prosthodontics I
Prosthodontics II
Optional subjects

Subjects in course 4
Dental aesthetics
Special care dentistry
Oral Surgery I
Orthodontics II
Paediatric Dentistry I
Paediatric Dentistry II
Pathology and Dental Therapeutics III
Pathology of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint and Orofacial Pain
Periodontics II
Prosthodontics III

Subjects in course 5
Adult comprehensive dentistry. Practicum
Final degree project
Paediatric comprehensive dentistry. Practicum
Dental Traumatology
Medical emergencies in dentistry
Legal and Forensic Dentistry
Oral Surgery II - Implantology

Salidas profesionales

In addition we have accredited / official Masters in the following specialties: Comprehensive Orthodontic, Pediatric Dentistry and Oral surgery and Implantology programme.

Furthermore, postgraduate programmes in Advanced Oral Implantology, Comprehensive Integral Orthodontics, Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dental Aesthetics and a Periodontology programme.

The faculty will have brand new clinical facilities that include, different diagnostic tools such as orthopantomography, teleradiography, computerized axial tomography, fully-equipped operating theatre, intraoral digital radiography, CEREC Bluecam MCXL milling units. As these facilities are owned by the university and the university is non-profit organization, there is not a shortage of patients.

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