Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - URJC

Doble Grado en Derecho (semipresencial) + International Relations

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - URJC



Deontología Profesional, Principios Jurídicos Básicos e Igualdad (Derecho Constitucional I)
Derecho Administrativo I
Derecho Romano
Derecho Civil I
History of International Relations
Teoría del Derecho
Derecho Civil II
Derecho Constitucional II
Derecho Procesal I
Economic Principles
History of the Modern World and Social Movements
Informática Jurídica Básica


Armed Conflicts and International Humanity
Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social I
Derecho Financiero y Tributario I
Human Geography, Economics and Politics
Derecho Civil III
International Security and Defence
Derecho Administrativo II
Derecho Civil IV
Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social II
Derecho Procesal II
Constitutional Systems and Models from an International Perspective
Idioma Moderno
Public International Law
Public Opinion and International Journalism


Derecho Administrativo III
Derecho Civil V
Derecho Internacional Privado
Derecho Mercantil I
International Marketing
Spanish Foreign Policy
Theory and History of International Political Thought
Derecho Civil VI
Derecho Financiero y Tributario II
European Union Political History
International Economics
Derecho Mercantil II
International Organisations and Institutions


2ND Language (Chinese or Arabic). Basic Level
Democratization Process, Transitions and International Community
Derecho Mercantil III
Derecho Penal I
Diplomatic and Consular Law
European Union and Community Law
Filosofía del Derecho
Latin American Community of Nations and Integration Processes in Latin America
Immigration, Political Asylum and Development Cooperation
Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado
International Human Rights Law
Derecho Penal II
Derecho Procesal III
International Terrorism


Academic Recognition of Credits
Ceremonial and Protocol
Emergent Regions in the International Scene: Africa and Asia
Derecho Penal III
Global Analysis of Cultures and Religions. History Education and Fundamentalism
Internship Placement (International Relations)
End of Degree Project
Trabajo Fin de Grado
2ND Language (Chinese or Arabic). Advanced Level


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