
In a global, intensely competitive and dynamically changing economic environment, organizations are increasingly requiring professionals capable of making informed decisions and solving problems in a time marked by a veritable outburst in the volume of generated and stored data, its complexity and processing speed. Societies are already immersed in the era of Big Data. A period of radical transformation towards an economy based on information, in which the exploitation of the vast amount of data, the use of complex analytical techniques, and the incorporation of results of analytical work into business strategy, are having a decisive influence on the competitiveness of companies and economies. Bachelor´s Degree in Business Analytics (E-8) is aimed at providing students with the skills to make decisions based on Data Analytics in order to provide a better understanding and perspective of the problems and management of businesses and organizations in this new Digital Era. The massive availability of data makes it possible to work in new areas of professional development in investment banking, strategic consulting, auditing, analytical marketing, among others.


The Degree Program in Business Analytics is intended for candidates with high intellectual capabilities, who stand out for their maturity, high degree of dedication to their studies, and possess an ability for critical reasoning and teamwork. Candidates are required to have a high command of English.

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