
The new degree is part of the European Higher Education Area, introducing innovations in the curriculum and in teaching fulfilment and evaluation, as well as in promoting the acquisition of skills and the development of characteristics such as initiative, teamwork, and critical analysis.


For admission, there is no restriction distinct from that which is established by law. Furthermore, given the multi-disciplinary nature of the New Degree in Business Administration and Management, it is difficult to design a specific and suitable profile for admission. It would be desirable for the newly admitted student to be aware of what the New Degree in Business Administration and Management hopes to achieve, which is, to offer students the most competitive education possible in the field of directing and managing a business.


The objectives of the New Degree in Business Administration and Management are established keeping in mind the characteristics and evolution of business and economic activity in an environment that is evermore globalized, fast-changing, and with greater and greater demands on competition and sustainability. The general educational objectives are considered as follows:

* To know the nature of companies and their relationship to the national and international economic environment, both immediate and medium-term.
* To know methods and techniques of business management and organization.
* To acquire instrumental knowledge.


History of Business
Introduction to Business I
Basic Legal Principles
History of Spanish Institutions
Introduction to Economy
Financial Mathematics
Introduction to Business II
Trade Law
Foreign Language

Computer Technologies Applied to Business
Introduction to Marketing and Communications in the Firm
Financial Accounting I
Corporate Statistics I
Corporate Sociology
Financial Accounting II
Production Management
Corporate Statistics II
Marketing Management

Corporate Tax Systems
Strategic Management and Corporate Police I
Corporate Accounting
Comercial Management
Financial Management I
Corporate Decisions – Making Methods
Management Information Systems
Strategic Management and Corporate Police II
Human Resources
Balance Analysis
Financial Management II
The National and International Economic Environment of the Firm

Labour Law
In-Company Training
Final Project
Optional Subjects

Salidas profesionales

The labour market in the field of business administration and management is strongly influenced by the creation of companies, internationalization, innovation, technological changes, and new developments in labour organization. It is essential to consider employment criteria in order to justify the social interest of this degree. For that, the different professional profiles that this degree offers are:
-Business/organization departments: financial, commercial, management control, marketing, market research, information technology, international trade, purchasing, quality, R & D, human resources.
-Financial services: auditing, consulting and advising, market values, financial bodies, recruitment, insurance, marketing, advertising, research institutes, distribution, tourism, health.
-Industrial sector: food, beverage, chemical, iron and steel, pharmaceutical, automobile, paper, cement, publishing, cosmetic, textile.
-Infrastructure sector: technology, transport , telephony, energy..


* Theoretical knowledge, both basic and specialized, relating to the understanding of the working, management and control of the different functional areas of a business.
* Socio-economic knowledge relating to the environment in which the companies develop.
* Instrumental knowledge, necessary for adequate learning (mathematics, statistics, information technologies, language).
* Skills for analysis and synthesis.
* Skills for organization and planning.
* Skills in seeking, analyzing, and differentiating information coming from diverse sources.
* Problem-solving skills.
* Motivation for quality and precision at work.
* Creativity, initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit.
* Ability to work in teams.
* Capacity to work in diverse and multicultural environments.
* Ethical commitment at work.
* Self-reliance in learning.


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