• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Información no disponible
  • Comienzo:
    Información no disponible
  • Lugar:
    Campus de Vicálvaro
    Paseo de los Artilleros s/n
    Madrid 28032
  • Duración:
    240 ECTS
  • Condiciones:
    Access to official degrees requires holding a high school diploma or equivalent and passing the exam referred to in Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified in the Law 4/2007 (12 April), taking into account other mechanisms of access foreseen in existing regulations. The maximum number of 1st year students accepted in the academic is: Madrid Campus (Vicálvaro): 65 places
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Oficial Title of Degree in Pre-primary Education


1.- Deal efficiently with educational situations for early learners from a global perspective, encompassing the cognitive, emotional, motor, linguistic and self-control dimensions. (Global perspective).
2.- Create learning environments which are conducive to empathy, social behaviour, autonomy, and the co-existence of many cultures, while systematically observing the social, family and school envirnoment. (contextual and socio-natural perspective).
3.- Design, apply and assess teaching activities which are geared towards developing children´s physical, cognitive, social/affective, motor and linguistic abilities, bearing in mind the biological, psychological, social and creative elements which condition learning (early learning and fun learning perspective).
4.- Design strategies based on co-ordinated work carried out by different professionals in order to guide families in issues related to the development and education of 0- to 6-year-olds. (co-ordination with other professionals and family guidance perspective)
5.- Detect possible difficulties which pupils may have and design teaching and curricular adaptation strategies which take into consideration pupil diversity, to enhance children´s educational and social inclusion. (diversity awareness perspective)
6.-Design teaching practices which help school-goers understand the concepts of space and time. (time-space perspective)
7.- Design and draw up educational approaches for communication and expression, with strategies which include gestures and visual-verbal strategies. (about basic and instrumental learning)
8.- Make an appropriate use of the New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and an introduction into the world of mass-media (about New Technologies)
9.- Use different languages to promote and develop creativity (about creativity)
10.- Design experiments to get to know the natural world by means of sensorial perception. (about sensorial and experimental development)


For full-time students doing an undergraduate degree, the maximum period of time allowed to complete the degree is eight years. Part-time students can request an extension of up to two years from the Rector.
In the degrees that have more than to 240 credits (4 years), the maximum stated in the previous section will be increased by one year for each 60 ECTS that are added to the 240 ECTS.
Students have to pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students who are studying part-time have to pass at least one subject in the first academic year.
Students who are studying an official degree at Rey Juan Carlos University have a maximum of four enrollments in each one of the subjects in the study program, without counting previous cancellations of said subjects.


In terms of a recommended student profile for undergraduates, no limitation has been imposed other than that which the law (PAU) stipulates.

To be able to study the Degree in Primary Education, students must have passed the University Entrance Exams. There are no additional exam requirements.


The chief aim of the degree is to train teachers of Primary School Education to be able to carry out their profession in different contexts (rural and urban, multi-culticultural and mono-cultural, regional, national and international, etc.); enabling them to adapt to social, cultural, scientific, technological and educational changes; and to gain expert working knowledge of a variety of subjects and how they interact. They should be able to question practices where necessary and have initiative; to reflect on the practical side of what they teach, and have a commitment to their profession. At the same time, students will be trained to work in other professions which are related – both directly and/or indirectly - to Primary School Education.

The general training will serve to train Primary Education teachers who will be competent to teach at all stages and in all curricular areas of Primary Education. They should be experts in all aspects of Primary Education and how they interact. As such they will be able to build upon the basic principles of Primary Education to meet its objectives. The training received on this degree course is geared towards preparing graduates to be skilled teachers of Primary Education. They will be encouraged to question the status quo and enabled to adapt to a rapidly-changing environment.

In keeping with these objectives, the teacher must be able to:



School Organization
Spanish History and Culture
Educational Theory
Deontology: Ethics and Social Responsability of Education
Social History of Education
Computer Science Digital Competency
Social Psychology of Education
Education, Culture and Society
Early Assistance
Audiovisual Communication and Education


Cognitive and Linguistic Development
Emotional and Social Development
Learning Psychology
Desarrollo del pensamiento matemático (Se imparte en español)
Desarrollo de Habilidades lingüísticas y Lectroescritura I (Se imparte en español)
Health Education, hygiene and Food
Educational Research Methodology
Social Family Educational Intervention
Desarrollo de Habilidades lingüísticas y Lectroescritura II (Se imparte en español)
Modern Language


Didáctica de las matemáticas (Se imparte en español)
Teaching of Social Science
Musical Education
Physical Education
English Language and Teaching
Teaching of Natural Environment Studies
Psychomotor Development
Internship Placement I


Laboratorio de Juegos Matemáticos (Se imparte en español)
Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (Se imparte en español)
Artistic and Plastics Teaching
Academic Recognition of Credits
End of Degree Project
Internship Placement II

Salidas profesionales

In high schools and public and private schools from different backgrounds (rural or urban, multicultural or mono-cultural, regional, national or international, etc) with an ability to adapt to rapidly-changing environments. Graduates will also have the necessary training to work in sectors which are linked to Primary Education, both directly and indirectly, in publishing houses and companies from the technological and educational sectors, etc.


The skills which students of the Primary Education Degree will acquire can be divided into two main blocks. On the one hand, we have the general skills of the degree which can, in turn, be divided into:-

1. General skills which are common to all degree courses and which are regulated by the Royal Decree 1393/2007 of the 29th of October (regulating Official University Teaching).

2. General skills for the Degree in Teaching Primary Education , which are set out in the Order ECI/3857/2007, of the 27th of December, which establishes the pre-requisites for the verification of official university degrees in the area of Primary Education Teaching.
The ECI/3857/2007 Order, of the 27th of December, sets out the minimum modules required for structuring the study plan and also specifies the minimum skills required upon completion of said modules. Among the general principles which cover the design of new degrees, the study plans should bear in mind that any professional activity must:

Promote respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women.
Promote respect for Human Rights and the principles of equal access for all as outlined in the final section of Law 51/2003 of the 2nd of December on Equal Opportunities, non-discrimination and equal access for all irrespective of disabilities.
Promote the values characterised by a culture of peace and democracy.

On the other hand, the general skills which students should acquire over the course of their degree and which, in turn, are necessary for the student to obtain the qualification are the following:

To obtain and understand the necessary knowledge for each study area of the degree in order to be prepared to work in the Primary School Teaching profession.
To know how to apply this knowledge to their job in a professional manner, showing that they have acquired the relevant knowledge by thinking through and resolving problems in each of the study areas.


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