Tourism studies are addressed to those people interested in developing their professional career in one of the principle economic engines: Tourism. The professionalism acquired since 1963 by the Academic Board of the former Official School of Tourism, now integrated in the URJC, as well as the close relationship maintained over the years with related companies, are undoubtedly differentiating factors of URJC’s New Degree in Tourism.

Companies and public institutions related to tourism will have to be more competitive due to the increasing complexity of the sector, new market demands, the revolution in information technologies, and the social changes requiring new strategies and new ways of management and leadership suitable for the information society, all of which will require the adequate preparation of professionals. In order to cover these training needs, URJC introduces a new degree in Tourism conceived of as an answer to the increasing demand of qualified professionals and entrepreneurs for the tourism and leisure sector.

Admission to the official New Degree program will require the student to have a high school diploma or equivalent and to pass the exam referred to by Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of universities, modified by the Law 4/2007, of April 12, without prejudice to the other admission mechanisms anticipated in the norms currently enforced.

* To respond to existing training necessities providing the knowledge of useful tools for decision-making in the current context of tourism.
* To provide a high-level basic training corpus necessary for technical and managerial specialization in tourism companies and institutions.
* To address aspects essential for the development of competitive advantages related to touristic products and destinations.
* To create specialization profiles that consider both business management necessities and the management of collective aspects, more specifically, the touristic use of natural and cultural resources.
* To homogenize the transmission of knowledge in the area of tourism, avoiding the fragmentation of the content by covering excessive areas of knowledge.
* To create the conditions for the development of multi-disciplinary lines of research.

Territorial Tourist Resources in Spain
Applied Statistics for Tourism
History of Travel and Tourism
First Foreign Language I (English)
Tourism Legislation
World Territorial Tourist Resources
Applied Microeconomics
Cultural Heritage
First Foreign Language II (English)
Social Psychology of Tourism

Analysis of the Tourism Market
Law and Legislation
Applied Macroeconomics
Marketing for Tourism
Commercial Communication for Tourism
Computer Technologies Applied to Tourism Management
Organization of Tourism Businesses
Second Foreign Language I (French or German)
Sociology of Tourism and Leisure
Foreign language

World Tourist Itineraries and Tourist Information
Administrative Law for Tourism
Second Foreign Language II (French or German)
Tourist Transport
Financial Accounting for the Tourism Sector
Second Foreign Language III (French or German)
Human Resources Organization and Management
The Hospitality Industry
Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
Cost Accounting for Tourism Businesses

Accounting analysis for businesses in the tourism sector
Optional Subject 1
Optional Subject 2
Optional Subject 3
Transfer of Credits
In-Company Training
Final Project

* To know and appreciate the economic dimension of tourism.
* To analyze the impact of tourism.
* To utilize information and communication technologies in the different fields of tourism.
* To analyze, synthesize, and summarize critically economic-asset information from touristic organizations.
* To understand the evolving and dynamic character of tourism and the new leisure society.
* To understand the workings of the different touristic structures and their business sectors world-wide.
* To understand the principles of tourism: its social, spatial, cultural, legal, political, labor, and economic dimensions.
* To communicate in foreign languages, both written and spoken.
* To understand the legal framework that regulates tourism activities.
* To know the operative processes of lodging, restoration, and of the distribution and mediation companies.
* To manage different kinds of tourism organizations.
* To detect technical planning needs in infrastructure and tourist installations.
* To manage touristic territory in accord with the principles of sustainability.
* To identify and manage touristic areas and destinations.


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