• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
  • Duración:
    1 Año
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Post Secondary Program Business Foundations Certificate


Our Business Foundations program is an alternate offering intended for students who have applied to enter a program at The Business School, but who may not currently meet the English communications admission requirements. If you are highly motivated to build on your existing English language skills and want to develop your understanding of Canadian business culture and practices, you will benefit from this Business Foundations program´s inclusive learning environment and academic supports.

The program includes courses in:

Microsoft Office
Canadian and international business practices
Strategies for business success
Upon successful completion of the two-semester program, you will be eligible to transfer, with credits, to a diploma or advanced diploma business program at Centennial College.


Academic Requirements
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature applicant status (19 years or older)

Applicants to Centennial College post-secondary programs in the School of Business with English Skills Assessment scores of 141 are offered this program as a foundation to their program of choice. Applicants with assessment scores lower than 141 must consult with a PASS Advisor at the Centre for Academic English.
Additional Requirements
Students will be placed in the appropriate English level based on skills assessment results. This may lead to additional courses and require extra time and fees.


Start date: Fall, Winter, Summer

Semester 1
Basic Strategies for Business Success
Canadian and International Business Fundamentals 1
Foundations 1: Developing College Communications Skills
Introduction to Psychology: Part 1
Mathematics of Finance I - E

Semester 2
Financial Accounting 1
Financial Accounting Concepts
Canadian and International Business Fundamentals 2
Foundations 2: Building College Communications Skills
Applied Business Software 1
Introduction to Psychology: Part 2
Mathematics of Finance II

Salidas profesionales

Preparation for a Business certificate program
Transfer to a Business diploma
Transfer to an advanced diploma Business program Articulation Agreements Successful completion of the Pre-Business/Business Foundations program
with submission of a signed transfer application by Week 3 of Semester 2 guarantees students entry of The Business School Diploma or Advanced Diploma program of their choice. This agreement is subject to space and program availability.

¡Infórmate ahora sin compromiso!


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