
The Degree in Business Administration and Management (BAM) targets those interested in developing as professionals in the management of businesses and organizations, covering the different perspectives from which they can focus on the business world, be it from the strategic, commercial, financial, productive or human perspective.

The Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Catholic University of Valencia is offered both through TRADITIONAL and DISTANCE LEARNING by means of the Virtual Campus UCVnet.

At the same time, within the classroom modality, the degree in BAM is taught in TWO GROUPS: SPANISH AND BILINGUAL. In the bilingual modality, approximately 50% of the subjects are taught in English, so the specific skills are acquired in this language. Thus, to our concern for the individual development of each student that goes through our classrooms and our well-known proximity to the business reality we add to the possibility to grow professionally in the language of business.

Pursuing the degree in BAM in English allows one to have professional access to the most attractive organizations for the current business world: those that define their business on an international and increasingly demanding level. To pursue a degree in bilingual mode, is a requirement to be admitted to pursue a degree in ADE and demonstrate language proficiency in the second language.Those students who choose to start their studies entirely in Spanish may request their incorporation to the bilingual group, once they prove that they have the linguistic competence suitable for this purpose.

The Degree in Business Admininistration and Management (BAM) enables the student to perform various management positions in the professional domain and it also allows the student to face entrepreneurial projects in different business activities.


The student who wishes to study the Degree in Business Administration and Management and business at UCV must have an interest in the economy and aspects related to the operation of the company and its management.


Business English I
Management I
Mathematics for Business and Economics
Financial Accounting I
Gestión de Sociedades Mercantiles
Marketing I
Information Systems Management

Fiscalidad de la Empresa I
Marketing II
Mathematics of Financial Operations
Information Systems Management II
Business English II
Ciencia, Razón y Fe
Contabilidad Financiera II
World Economy
Management II

Análisis Contable
Human Resources Management
Spanish Economy
Corporate Finance I
Fiscalidad de la Empresa II
Statistics II
Logística y Distribución Comercial
Moral Social y Deontología
Optative subject

Strategic Management
Finanzas Corporativas II
Prácticas Externas (1er semestre)
Prácticas Externas (2º semestre)
Trabajo Final de Grado
Optative subject

Salidas profesionales

Directors of Administration and Finance in businesses.
Financial directors in all types of organizations and businesses.
Financial markets.
Banking, Stock Exchange, Markets, Financial Instruments.
External and Internal Auditor.
Tax, financial, administrative, or labor consultant; organization and information and management systems consultant.
In public institutions with access through civil service government-run competitive exams.
Commercial Director of the Business.
Department of Marketing and Business Planning.
Advertising, promotional action, product launching.
Direction and Control of the Sales Force.
Launching of Businesses and Products abroad.
Internationalization of the Business.
Teacher in vocational education centers.
Access to Ph.D. studies.


Ability to analyze and synthesize
Proper management of time and resources
Ability to apply knowledge in practice
Ability to handle information from different sources
Oral and written communication
Use of ICTs
Information Management
Orientation to problem-solving
Orientation to decision-making
Basic knowledge of a second language
Creativity and ability to generate new ideas
Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Ability to learn and research skills
Interpersonal relationship skills
Self-confidence and decision-making
Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
Autonomy in learning
Commitment, responsibility and ethical sense
Development of values ??related to the principles of equal opportunities between men and women, universal access for people with disabilities and, in general, the democratic values ??and a culture of peace

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