Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space

Bachelor in Digital Marketing - Grado en Marketing Digital

Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space
  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    International Students: €19,900/year
    National Students €9,950/year*
    *The National prices apply to Harbour.Space Home Countries Citizens – individuals with valid passports from Spain and Thailand.
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Carrer de Rosa Sensat 9-11
  • Duración:
    180 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés


Digital marketing strategies lie at the heart of every successful business in our Information Age. This Harbour.Space programme gives students the comprehensive knowledge of analytics, strategy, business, finance and creative collaboration to make businesses of tomorrow succeed.

Great ideas bloom or wither depending on whether a digital marketing strategy can communicate them.

The Digital Marketing Bachelor’s programme is an intensive and hands-on degree that gives students the skills they need to successfully position a product or service in today’s over-saturated sea of communications.

Upon completing our programme, you will become a digital marketing professional. You will be well-prepared to work in a sales or marketing department of a major brand, in an advertising agency, or in a media or technological company. You will know how to help brands to communicate effectively with their target audiences using the awesome benefits that emerging online technologies have brought to the world.



In the first year, students are immersed in business essentials, in order to absorb the context in which marketing professionals operate. Students will work through solid core courses in general management, economics, accounting, finance, business strategy and law. As they build their foundational knowledge, business vocabulary, hone new competencies and forge ties, the huge need for marketing in business and its central role becomes clear.

Digital Media Evolution
Business Fundamentals
Competitive Firm Strategies
Marketing Fundamentals
Consumer Behaviour
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Master Classes with Leading Practitioners
Digital Marketing as Part of the Overall Marketing Mix
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
History Of Design
English for the Industry
Leadership & Group Dynamics
Introduction to Programming for Marketing Professionals
Big Data & Emerging Technologies
Capstone Project -1
Seminars & Workshops - 1


In the second year students are introduced to marketing fundamentals. They learn about core principles and recent phenomena, while they will gain strategic and analytical skills. The objectives of this academic year are to demonstrate the role of marketing within business; to understand the core differences between traditional and digital marketing; to learn the instruments and methods of effective digital marketing; to explore the relationship of marketing with other segments within a business and chiefly - to demonstrate how effective marketing can create value for customers.

Immersive workshops by leading international professionals will give students a taste of their future professional environments and allow them to form their own ideas about digital marketing. While this year contains a lot of new knowledge, students are challenged to apply their newly acquired skills and learnings during their first client project.

Social Media Marketing
Viral Marketing
Digital Assets
PR & Content
Web Analytics
Performance Marketing
E-Research & Surveys
Introduction to Interaction Design
Marketing as a Job
Data Visualisation
Technical Project Management
Client Project
Capstone Project - 2
Seminars & Workshops - 2


In the third year, students will primarily focus on deepening their specialised knowledge of digital marketing methods and instruments gathered throughout the first two years of the programme. In this final year students gain the theoretical and applied background to plan, design, execute, evaluate, and oversee highly effective marketing strategies and become qualified for positions in sales, marketing research or marketing management. In order to prepare students for a transition to real world careers, special emphasis is placed on developing student’s abilities in effective professional communication, sales and presentation skills, negotiation and leadership. A significant amount of time will be dedicated to the personal Capstone project, which may be executed for a client or in the form of their own business endeavour.

Storytelling in a Digital World
Mobile Marketing
CRM & Loyalty Programmes
Online Video
Digital Media Planning
Digital Strategy
Virtual Company Legal Environment
Selling & Presenting
Business, Entrepreneurship & Self Promotion
User Experience Design
China´s Internet Market
Programming II For Marketing Professionals
Capstone Project-3
Seminars & Workshops-3

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