Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space

Bachelor in Interaction Design - Grado en Diseño Interactivo

Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space
  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    International Students: €19,900/year
    National Students €9,950/year*
    *The National prices apply to Harbour.Space Home Countries Citizens – individuals with valid passports from Spain and Thailand.
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Carrer de Rosa Sensat 9-11
  • Duración:
    180 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés


Interaction Design programme blends technical know-how, interdisciplinary research and a creative artistic-scientific approach to enable the development of creative interfaces that generate progressive and innovative applications for media design, media research, media art, and communication.

It explores new roles, contexts and approaches for interaction design and trains students to research, analyse, prototype, and design concepts in business, social, and cultural contexts within existing and emerging technologies.



The first year foundational courses offer an intellectual framework within which students can begin to establish a coherent relationship between theory and practice. Course specific projects are designed to expose students to different roles, contexts and approaches in relation to design and technology.

Course specific projects are designed to expose students to different roles, contexts and approaches in relation to design and technology.

Art History
History of Design
Introduction to Interaction Design
Sketching Design Ideas & Creating Concepts
Empathetic Design
Introduction to Programming for Designers I
Introduction to Programming for Designers II
Leadership & Group Dynamics
Design as a Job
English for the Industry
Personal Project


In the second year, students are expected to become progressively independent and will learn not only the practical application of different types of interaction design methods, but also how design impacts people, environments, businesses and organisations. The courses offered in the second year aim to give the students a deeper understanding of how to approach problem solving through design.

Introduction to User Experience Design
Content Strategy
Research Methods
Designing Interactive Layouts
Interactive Art Direction
Creating And Applying Brand Guidelines
Photography And Photo Manipulation
Introduction to 3d
Introduction to Motion Graphics
Introduction to Audio & Video
Creating and Applying Interactivity
Rapid Prototyping
Programming I
Client Project
Personal Project


During the third year emphasis is placed exploring different design approaches, contexts and roles in relation to emerging technologies. Students will also have the ability to work closely with students across different majors within Harbour.Space and gain a deeper understanding of the correlation between design and technology. Lectures and courses in the third year will prepare the students for a practical career in design.

Physical Computing
Data Visualisation
Working with Data
Designing for Mobile
Emerging Technologies
Design Management
Selling & Presenting Design
Business, Entrepreneurship & Self Promotion
Patent Law & Strategy
Seminars & Workshops
Client Project
Personal Project

Salidas profesionales

Junior Designer
Mid-Weight Designer
Senior Designer
Art Director
Creative Director

¡Infórmate ahora sin compromiso!


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